Natick Boys Soccer Shows Resilience in Unprecedented Season
Nov 28, 2020 10:58AM ● By Susan Manning
Courtesy photos by L Glass/Paradise Photo
In a year when negativity has
outweighed positivity much of
the time, thanks to the COVID19 pandemic, the Natick High
School boys soccer team offers
a sliver of hope.
This unprecedented season
had the team play only eight
games, and there were no state
tournaments. There were also
several rule changes.
Head Coach Christian Rodriguez is very proud of his
“The athletes were amazing! Their resiliency made our
time together feel like it was a
normal season,” said the coach,
who is also a counselor at Wilson Middle School.
The whole team, he said,
played a fantastic season, but he
called out the three senior captains.
Four-year varsity player and
captain for the team, “Matthew Mela is one of the most
talented players I’ve coached
since I started coaching here
four years ago. He is extremely
technical, has a very strong IQ
of the game, extremely quick,
and all-around a great kid,” said
the coach.
Three-year varsity player
and captain Carter Doran “is
the definition of what it means
to be a captain. He is 100% in
for his team and always leads by
example on and off the field. His
number one sport is baseball but
when he laces up his boots for
soccer, he’s 100% in. His never-give-up attitude during practice and matches was evident
and it was contagious amongst
the squad,” Rodriguez said.
Three-year varsity player
and captain Patrick Fleming
“Patty” “has shown the biggest
growth out of all the players I’ve
had since I started coaching at
Natick. His speed, endurance,
pace, and strength was huge for
our squad this season. He’s that
player that will do anything for
his team and always has a smile
on his face! He started off upfront and mid-way through the
season we put him on defense at
outside back, and he did it without question and of course, with
a smile,” he said.
“I’m going to miss these
three guys in the future, but
I’m excited about all the great
things they will accomplish in
life. Great kids from great families!” he said.
The three captains are not
the only ones Rodriguez will
miss. There are 17 seniors on
the team this year.
Rodriguez said despite the
shorter season and the 1 and 7
record, his entire team came together and bonded like family.
“What made me most proud
of this squad is that they were
100% grateful to have a season,
even if it was super short. They
always enjoyed their time together on the pitch whether it
was at practice or a game,” said